Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Will it all get done before I leave?

Clearly I'm stressed - so many things to nail before I leave on my happy little holiday. Attentive and clever readers will notice that my last post was a bit, well, vague. Oh, okay it was blank. I pushed the wrong button when I was tired. It happens.

But, now I will regale you with the list of stuff to do before I leave: buy cell phone and cell plan and/or new notebook to take instead; or decide to just get European prepaid on my existing phone (if it even works); figure out how to upload pics onto this blog; decide if I'm buying and taking a smaller camera; determine which museums to go to in Rome and prepurchase tickets online so we don't wait in line needlessly; re-pre-pack in the smaller suitcase and see if it fits.  If not then rethink wardrobe.  Ahh is it all worth it?  You betcha. And, why am I stressed? K's list is apparently 5 pages long!!

Alla prossima mi'amici.

1 comment:

  1. Rather than taking pictures - so 5 minutes ago - might I suggest a pallette and some small canvasses to allow you to paint your experiences?

    Who knows, you muight be asked to tackle a ceiling while there!

