Monday, August 31, 2009

Twelve more sleeps

Or, better I should say 'dodici piĆ¹ sonni' -- cause that's how many there are before my pal Karen and I leave for our vacation in Italy. Come along on our journey to Roma, Firenze, Venezia, Ercolano e Sorrento, e piu otre citte en Campania.

Ok, so, we finally turned 50 -- and with it came licence to plan and implement our BIG DREAM vacation -- to Italy or bust. Or both. The flights are booked, the accommodations researched and registered, the train tix all but purchased. Let the fun begin.

Come along on my (our) 16-day adventure to the land of old and new, of sea and sky, mountains and much much more.

Ciao belli.

Roxy's Momma