Monday, September 7, 2009

Key to a good trip - comfy shoes!

So. Last week, during the pre-pack, I realized that the shoe situation was not good. Went out hunting for comfy yet not hideous footwear.  This is not an easy task. Especially when you want a deal. I shouldn't have to pay full price -- nobody should.  So, a hunting I did go.  And I found me an excellent pair of loafers by Dorndorf -- but not exactly what a gal wants to trek about Italia. Watch for them later this fall. I kept hunting.  And I found me a great shoe but getting the size and colour was a major challenge.  Finally found it at the Vaughanwood Mall or somewhere that I would have needed a passport for ... fortunately there is UPS. 

Kudos to Darryl; my fab new shoes were awaiting me upon my return from the cottage. I promptly tried them on, walked about and responsibly sprayed them with that stuff they say you should spray new shoes with.  Trip will be perfect, after I review and edit clothes choices to ensure they will enhance the new footwear.



  1. I think you should design and construct your own shoe and clothing line, with a focus on canadian travel to italia.

    Please post plenty of pics of well dressed and well shod Italian people. And pics of you hobnobbing with them. Lots of air kisses.


  2. brilliant - i love air kisses - hope i can learn to post pics!
